It's 10 a.m. and I am at home. It's just weird. I'm dancing around to music, cleaning, yelling "Brinkley, No!" every five minutes, and watching the time slowly tick away! Yes, I'm cherishing the moment. I realize this is only the beauty of the first week of classes where nothing has truly been assigned yet. I'll take whatever I can get.
Something else that's weird...the thoughts that bounce around in my head while I'm running. In the short time span of a two mile run, I have some pretty entertaining (at least to me!) thoughts. I decided to write a few down, just to have record of the randomness that keeps me running and helps to pass the time.
"Ok, the first five minutes is always a pain. Just keep running."
"Those people need to mow. I'm glad I don't have a yard. It would never get mowed."
"Ouch! Stupid crab apple. That had to of been the biggest crab apple ever. Right in the middle of the forehead. Son of monkey! I even ducked!"
"MMM, someone's barbecuing. That smells so good. I should barbecue more. I don't have anything TO barbecue. I should go to the store."
"I'm going to need to put gas in the motorcycle tomorrow. That would suck to run out. I'm lucky that hasn't happened yet."
"Holy crap! My shadow is huge! I must be 30 feet tall! NBA here I come."
"Hmmm, you'd think I'd be sick of this song by now. I should really change the tunes on this thing. I say that every time I'm out here. Grrr."
"I wonder if these people notice that I turn around in front of their house every other day or so. It's like the dog on the invisible leash. I can't go any further than their driveway or I'll get shocked!"
"Ugh. This has to be the dumbest sport ever. I hate running."
"Duck! Ouch. Holy crap - that was like the same *!@$in' branch! Stupid branch. I should go rip it off the tree. I'm sure the homeowners would appreciate that!"
"What was that joke...What did the man say after he walked into the bar? OUCH! What a stupid joke. Stupid branch."
"Jason's Deli sounds soooo good right now. Focus, you're almost done!"
"Blah. That sucked. Done and over with though. Maybe tomorrow will be better."