WARNING: This is caffeine induced rambling meant for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy at your own risk. Any grammar and spelling problems are an honest mistake. While I may have time to live life twice by maintaining a blog, I don't have time to live life 3 or more times in rereading my own ramblings for such errors. Your forgiveness is divine!
Friday, February 29, 2008
A hamster's life
Lately it feels like I've been a hamster spinning away on a wheel. I just kept going and going and am getting absolutely nowhere! As much as I try to look on the bright side of things, sometimes the sheer quantity of crap I have to do for other people just makes my head spin. I've had this bitch in the past, especially when it comes to people thinking that it's all just a piece of cake because it's just school. I got to thinking the other day about how much of my week is predetermined by school and work and it basically boils down to about 35 hours of work,12 hours sitting in class, 8 hours of free labor on my practicum, 2 office hours, and on average about 15 hours of reading and 4 hours of Atlas research. And lucky for me, grading starts next week so there goes another 6 or 7 hours a week. And sadly that's probably the lighter side of the reading load. I know I can't look at it like that because then it's just overwhelming and sucky. It definitely sucks at the end of the day knowing that there is a whole other day lined up and the next day off isn't even visible on a calendar. Yeah, I get it, my fault for signing up for all this crap but unfortunately I'm too far in now to justify a disgraceful exit.
Friday, February 22, 2008
File under "R" for Random
I'm still trying to figure out how I've managed to have it so easy this semester. I'm ahead by days on the course curriculum. It's kind of eerie. It's like someone hasn't told me something. There's got to be a catch somewhere, something I'm forgetting to do. The atlas missile research is slowly progressing. Secondary sources are in abundance; it's the original stuff that I'm having a hard time tracking down. My prospectus is due this next week, which is basically my attempt at selling my topic as something that is worthy of research because it has historical value. A nuclear bomb attached to a rocket in a community's backyard seems to have obvious historical value, but that's just my opinion.
My Records Management class has proved to be rather entertaining. I'm glad that I'm not the only one in the class that feels like a complete, unorganized slacker when it comes to personal records. Last week, we covered the basics of filing strategies. Very elementary concepts were covered, but all I could think was, "If this is all so simple, why the hell can't I maintain any form of organization with all my papers at home?" It really is laughable to think that my best strategy for maintaining my files are piles of stuff and then stuffed folders when I get sick of looking at the piles of stuff. Let's hope that when it comes time to searching for a job, they don't request evidence that I am organized in my personal life. Speaking of searching for a job, my resume is getting a little further along. Yes, I realize a turtle moves faster than I do.

Saturday, February 9, 2008
3, 2, 1...we have liftoff!
Well, it's not exactly dealing with the Korean War but there may be some links if I dig deep enough. I have to turn in my research topic next week for my research semi
nar and I've decided to focus on Atlas missiles in Northern Colorado during the Cold War. Just from my initial search for sources, I've found they were actually raised, fueled, and on alert during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Localizing something as important as that event should make for an interesting read...hopefully. On a far more random note from early research, apparently you can buy old missile silos and covert them into your home! No joke, some people actually live in them! One silo even includes its own personal air strip! It's amazing what money can get you!

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