Sweet Dreams!
WARNING: This is caffeine induced rambling meant for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy at your own risk. Any grammar and spelling problems are an honest mistake. While I may have time to live life twice by maintaining a blog, I don't have time to live life 3 or more times in rereading my own ramblings for such errors. Your forgiveness is divine!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I spy...Daffodils
I took another walk with Brinkley Miles today! Two days in a row - woohoo! Now that's a step in the right direction (pun intended) for getting back into some type of running routine! There were no signs of tulips yet, but I did spy some daffodils popping up so that made me happy. Spring is coming! (I'll ignore the snow in the forecast for now!) I noticed a big difference in sleep last night. I had a night without dreams (bad dreams, especially) in a very long time. I have hope that tonight will bring the same! Or even better ... a night full of dreams about beautiful tulips!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Castle Tonight
My Tuesday was kind of blah. Nothing too exciting happened. I survived another day of FTO. My day brightened when I made it home and took Brinkley Miles for a quick walk. And then it really brightened when I realized that it's Monday and Castle is on tv tonight. I think it's the season finale. I'm loving my 40" tv and I'm sure I'll love it even more while watching Castle!
I have to do some studying tonight for my Phase Two test but I think I'll be ok. I don't know. Phase Two trainer sucks and really didn't review anything with me.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
An uneventful afternoon on patrol...
This will probably be the one and only time that a blog from a patrol car - reason being...I'm riding along with another officer today. I'm responsible for nothing in particular today. I'm just here to observe and help out when I can. It's been an uneventful day of driving around and looking for parking violations. It's a beautiful day in town. I wish I could be outside...running. I want to be running - without the painful pains of getting back into running. I'm not really looking forward to those pains - where all of the little nerves start to tingle and make my legs itch, the stiffness that makes walking and bending the next day a bigger task than it should be.
Anywho, ready for next weekend. Scrapbook fun with my UW girls. I've already got tons of paper, stickers, and photos ready! Hopefully I can get Radio Man and My's second year scrapbook done!
Anywho, ready for next weekend. Scrapbook fun with my UW girls. I've already got tons of paper, stickers, and photos ready! Hopefully I can get Radio Man and My's second year scrapbook done!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A delightful reminder of the joys of blogging.

As one who loves to cook, and at times blog, I really enjoyed Julie & Julia. It's definitely a movie worth adding to the collection. If I had the time I'd be tempted to take on the same challenge that Julie did in the movie - making every recipe in Julia Child's first book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in 365. That's 524 recipes in 365 days! Considering I make about one recipe a week, it would one heck of a challenge to try Julie's. I'll pass, but the movie was inspiring. It at least goes to show that some people may be reading a blog even if the writer doesn't know it. Real life Julie's blog is still up - see The Julie/Julia Project and read what started it all.
As for the rest of my day off... I'm headed to the dry cleaners, doggie day care, and Hobby Lobby. Later today is bowling with VBaca and definitely some photography fun!
Monday, March 22, 2010
A little of this, a little of that.
I used to really enjoy the whole blogging thing. It was an odd, quirky documentation of my solo life with my dog and cat. My how things have changed since day one of this blog. I'll be the first to say that my life is still odd, but it's no longer just me, the dog, and the cat. It brings back fond memories to read the first few posts I wrote and remember my mini-battle back into the running world. The blog helped me focus on that, and to some degree, made running more fun. I've gotten away from blogging...and running. It's too bad really because my life has held some pretty random, trying, thrilling, and hilarious moments over the past few years of infrequent blogging.
I won't exactly say that I'm turning over a new leaf or anything, but I'm going to try and make a decent effort at returning to both the running and blogging world. Things are starting to settle down a little bit in the new job/training world and the Worm/Radio Man world so I'll see what I can do.
Spring keeps teasing me. Boo. I'm ready for tulips!! Forget this 60s one day, snow the next crap!! I've been scrapbooking the last few days - camping trips...makes me want to go camping very, very soon. Or hiking. Actually, anything that doesn't involve a parka or gloves sounds great to me!
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