I often have business ideas pop into my head. Usually, they are for other people. I've actually found one that could entertain me. Worm the personal historian? As in, someone hires me, I write their history, publish it in some manner - video, book, website - and then get paid. Why on earth did I think of such a thing? I have a research seminar coming up this next semester and we get to research any topic of our choosing. My usual stubborn self wants to do something with the Korean War. So I decided to peruse the local history archive, the Colorado Historical Society, and the Denver Public Library to get a general idea of what primary source information is out there. Nadda. Zilch. None. Big Fat Goose Egg. Not only does that suck like a vacuum, but it's incredibly depressing. In my quirky little brain, red lights were flashing, and it was like "Hey, not fair, someone should do something about that." The rabbit trail began...first it was like, I could track down Korean War veterans to record their story, then it just snowballed into an all out, choose your own adventure, rent your own historian type of thing. So, if anyone out there cares to be my guinea pig, just let me know.
My managerial position is already taken. I'll probably need a fax machine. And a forklift. Why? I don't know, I've just always wanted one. Oh, and a personal jet too. Do you think it's too late to tell Santa?