Sunday, December 23, 2007

101 in 1001

It's a bad thing to have time on my hands. As I was surfing the internet last night, I came across this Day Zero Project. Basically, the idea is that a person sets 101 goals to be completed in 1001 days, or a few months shy of 3 years. Reading up on some examples and what not, it was entertaining to see other people's lists and their goals. I particularly liked "Do a cartwheel, correctly" and "Color an entire coloring book." Most people know that I'm the procrastinator of all procrastinator's, but I can accomplish things when I set my mind to it. It would be more fun to suck some other people into this whole thing though. My powers of persuasion are at work...girlie girls?? You know you want to!

I'll keep thinking about it. Until then, I think I need some junk food or something to go along with this Christmas music that I'm listening to!

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