Some times things work out for me in the baking arena, other times not so much. Last night, in the somewhat Christmas spirit, I made peanut butter fudge, German chocolate butterscotch chip cookies, and chocolate crinkle cookies with mint truffle kisses. The peanut butter fudge appears to have turned out ok. If I ever meet Alton Brown, I'll be sure to thank him for the easiest recipe in the world. The German chocolate butterscotch chip cookies turned out great! Sooo very yummy! The chocolate crinkle cookies still need some help. Ideally, when pulled out of the oven, the powdered sugar coated ball could be gently smooshed down to cookie shape with a hershey kiss in the middle. My cookies didn't smoosh, they crumbled. On the sheet I did finish last night at 11, I left half unsmooshed. I have cookie balls more or less. They are VERY yummy, even if they don't look as fabulous as they would with kisses on top. The dough is in the fridge, I'm still deciding if I want a batch of cookie balls or if I should attempt to do something else with it. Any suggestions?
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