Wow, I should make this especially newsworthy or witty or something. 100 posts - it's taken a while to get here given the whole school speed bump thing. I really have nothing to say. I'm just killing time at work. My brain is so tired from grading and reading that it can really focus on much more than frivolous items right now. I'd say good thing it's a Friday but I have a weekend at the library studying for comps and grading undergraduate exams.
I think I can, I think I can.
While the economy may stink right now and a lot of people are losing their jobs, it looks like I will have multiple jobs over the summer again. I have the opportunity to stick around CSU and work on a digitization project. I was planning on taking it easy - one job, ONLY 40 hours a week. But it looks like it will be 6 days, closer to 60 hours. *Sigh* Hopefully, it won't feel as bad because I won't have homework looming over my head.
I'm ready. Now. Let's get this show over with.
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