For the last few weeks I've been reading about hams...not the pineapple covered kind, but the amateur radio kind of ham. Frequencies, voltage, wattage, conductors, inductors, repeaters ... stuff that I normally would runaway from and leave to the experts, I have been studying over and over again. Brent, Mr. Radio Man, is a ham and frequently drops "So and so's wife got her license" and "So and so's girlfriend got her license." So, I decided that I'd bite the bullet and try to understand all of the gibberish that makes a radio operate and take the test myself. It's been an experience thus far, I think I've learned more about electronics than I ever cared to know, but maybe that will prevent me from getting electrocuted someday. The prospects of talking to someone across the globe or something is kind of cool. Although, considering that takes bouncing off of the Ionosphere (see, I have learned something), I probably won't be saying "Konnichiha" to anyone in Japan in the near future!
The studying will continue at least for a few more days. I have the opportunity to take the test this Saturday but I'm not through my study book yet so we'll see how the next few days work out. I would like to take it so that I can concentrate on studying for the Certified Archivist exam in August. Considering it's already the end of June (holy crap - the end of JUNE!), I should really start studying for that.
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