Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Worm's Word spinoff???

Another day of no work means another day of thinking up random ways to pass the time. One way that keeps coming back is thinking about the future. I like to think about the future. Not because I don't like the present - it's just I think the future is going to be a blast. One day, Radio Man and I will own some land. That's the plan. We'll somehow manage to build a house and then the fun really begins. I get to have chickens. Brinkley Miles gets to have a yard. And Radio Man gets a big workshop and his own radio tower. It really is an idealistic type vision that I have in my head. The vision may not include a white picket fence but it does have a trout pond and a perfectly sized kitchen for entertaining. It's a life that includes city money to pay for a country living. And I think the whole process of Brent and I essentially becoming homesteaders (minus the free land, of course) could be quite entertaining.

I envision myself herding chickens, or being cornered by chickens, while Brent laughs from a rocking chair on our back porch. It all sounds very domestic, but not in the 1950s Donna Reed Show variety. It's a hybrid of the 1870s and today. I won't have to pee in an outhouse, but I'll bake my own bread!

The thought of making our homesteading adventure into a blog crossed my mind. We'll see. The learning process has already started - Radio Man is learning about green building and I've already read up on raising chickens and organizing a root cellar. Bit by bit it will come together. Anywho, like I said, I like thinking about the future. I look forward to the day that I can dip my toes into my own pond or make scrambled eggs from eggs collected from my own hen house.

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