Monday, December 24, 2007

Now Hiring

I often have business ideas pop into my head. Usually, they are for other people. I've actually found one that could entertain me. Worm the personal historian? As in, someone hires me, I write their history, publish it in some manner - video, book, website - and then get paid. Why on earth did I think of such a thing? I have a research seminar coming up this next semester and we get to research any topic of our choosing. My usual stubborn self wants to do something with the Korean War. So I decided to peruse the local history archive, the Colorado Historical Society, and the Denver Public Library to get a general idea of what primary source information is out there. Nadda. Zilch. None. Big Fat Goose Egg. Not only does that suck like a vacuum, but it's incredibly depressing. In my quirky little brain, red lights were flashing, and it was like "Hey, not fair, someone should do something about that." The rabbit trail began...first it was like, I could track down Korean War veterans to record their story, then it just snowballed into an all out, choose your own adventure, rent your own historian type of thing. So, if anyone out there cares to be my guinea pig, just let me know.

My managerial position is already taken. I'll probably need a fax machine. And a forklift. Why? I don't know, I've just always wanted one. Oh, and a personal jet too. Do you think it's too late to tell Santa?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

101 in 1001

It's a bad thing to have time on my hands. As I was surfing the internet last night, I came across this Day Zero Project. Basically, the idea is that a person sets 101 goals to be completed in 1001 days, or a few months shy of 3 years. Reading up on some examples and what not, it was entertaining to see other people's lists and their goals. I particularly liked "Do a cartwheel, correctly" and "Color an entire coloring book." Most people know that I'm the procrastinator of all procrastinator's, but I can accomplish things when I set my mind to it. It would be more fun to suck some other people into this whole thing though. My powers of persuasion are at work...girlie girls?? You know you want to!

I'll keep thinking about it. Until then, I think I need some junk food or something to go along with this Christmas music that I'm listening to!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

A new post and a new blog!

It's like Christmas or something, right? Not only am I back at the helm of Worm's Word following a mind numbing semester, but I just fired up a new blog. Why? Apparently, I have nothing better to do with my time. Please visit Worm's Eye View daily. For reals! Ultimately, you'll get a new photo everyday. Everyone out there that knows what a procrastinator I am can stop laughing now. I know it's a stretch, but you don't have to laugh at me! A girl can try, can't she?

As for the 3.5 month really needs no explanation. Although, had I kept at it, I'm sure I would have had some funny, dramatic, coffee-induced blogs along the way. Maybe next semester. The reading list for next semester should be a little shorter so that may help me out some. I can provide some highlights from fall semester though. (I realize "highlights" is an exaggeration. Work with me here.)

  • Playing in cemeteries can be a lot of fun. It's not as creepy as most would think. It made me think about how cool genealogical work could be. Too bad I couldn't research my own family instead of 30 some people I really could care less about. Knowing that Arthur Takamine was the "Potato King" of Denver's Denargo Market and Tadaatsu Matsdaira was the first Japanese American in Colorado only serves to crown me champion of a local Jeopardy match.
  • No matter what Gavin Menzies says, China did not discover America in 1421. His book, cleverly entitled 1421: The Year China Discovered America, is a farce. Complete bologna. Seriously, Oscar Mayer should hire the guy. The most entertaining 6 hours of the semester was ripping apart his book from the sources on up. It really drove home the fact that if you write well enough and "dumb" enough, the general public will believe anything you say.
  • The West, as in America and Europe, is single-handedly to blame for the Middle East's, or the Orient's, inadequacy in modernizing, getting along, and generally, solving their own problems. For reals. An entire semester of beating that into my head - yeah, I didn't buy on day one, I still don't buy it 12 books later.
  • The Civil War isn't over. The battle continues and reading about the wacky southerners and their ongoing obsession and misunderstanding of the Civil War was fascinating. Tony Horwitz's Confederate in the Attic was a fun read but also alarming. It's a tad scary to think that even today, there is still a large number of people that think the South should rise again. I'm not talking about Dukes of Hazard rednecks either. It's sad really. Ignorance is not's pathetic.
  • Grading sucks. If for some reason I ever consider being a teacher, someone slap me and remind me of the miserable hours upon hours that I spent grading undergraduate essays and exams. I fear for the future of this country.
Alrighty, I don't want to overdo it on my first day back! Comments are always welcome! After all, this thing doesn't pay any bills.