Thursday, January 29, 2009

Procrastinator Be-Gone?

Ever since the semester started I haven't procrastinated. At all. I don't have time to even think about what else I could be doing. I just keep trudging along and working on the next thing in line. I've received my comp question and have frantically been fitting extra reading for that into my normal hectic school reading schedule. So, back at it, I go.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Inauguration Day Holiday

We celebrate our pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock. We celebrate our nation's founding on July 4th every year. We celebrate our veterans on Veteran's Day. We celebrate our nation's workers on Labor Day. Why not get an extra holiday every four years and celebrate our nation's ability to transfer between presidents peacefully.

I start classes tomorrow. Obama is supposed to take the oath at 12. My first class starts at 12:30. It's going to a crappy day knowing that I can't veg out in front of the TV and watch all of the hoopla that goes with inauguration day. I'm going to old school record it on the VCR and hope that it's just as neat watching it in the evening that it would be watching it live.

I say we should just get an Inauguration Day holiday. That would solve a lot of problems.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One more time.

The beginning of the last semester - there are days when it seems like it's gone by so fast and days when it has felt like an eternity getting to this point. It feels like all of my effort has been for nothing given the craptastic economy. I'm not getting my hopes up for a great position to open up in the area. I'm just going to hang on to the job that I have until the area looks more graciously upon my chosen field.

I meet with my advisor next week to go over my comp written exam question for my major field - museums. I've been trying to study for the minor field question but it's very hard considering my body is telling me "Noooo, you're on break!" Something is better than nothing I suppose.


Warm home. Internet Access. Brent sleeping in the recliner.Brinkley chomping on a bone. Perfection!