A gunman on the loose always makes for an interesting run, yeah? Not that I was actually running from the gunman but they were still searching for him when I started pounding the pavement. Around a mile and half it was like a military fly over or something. Army choppers, SWAT choppers, and maybe even a news chopper flew past. It felt like I should have dropped to my stomach and spread eagle to prove I was unarmed. I had to bump up to running 2 minutes and walking 1 minute today. I had a lot on my mind this evening so it turned out to be a lot easier than I thought it would be. I didn't really start to fatigue until about the second mile.
When I finished running, I gobbled down a turkey sandwich (get it?...gobbled...oy, I crack myself up) and headed across town for volleyball. They were still searching for the gunman. We won all three games! Whoop, whoop. Spring champs or bust!! I'm pretty sure that they are still searching for the gunman, which would make most people rest uneasy, but I'm really too wiped to care.

Oh, and I started reading a new book last night. One that's not a textbook!!! My brain didn't quite know what to do about that!
<---- The New Book!
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