As I'm pulling out of my parking place this morning, I hear it again. Clunk. My car had been clunking every so often, just when I turned the wheel at the right angle and going at a certain speed. I thought it was my imagination because it was so totally random. Mystery solved...at least I hope. As I'm half way out of my spot I realize there is a Snapple Bottle, or part of one, kind of spinning on the ground. I got out to check my car - why I'm not sure. It's not like I could have fixed it had something been broken. So, I'm thinking that possibly this chunk of Snapple bottle had managed to wedge itself somewhere under my car. I know it wasn't there last night when I pulled into the parking space so it had to be in/under my car. It sounds crazy but my car seemed to be steering better on the way to work. I'm glad I didn't take it into the dealer and have them look at a clunking problem. They probably would have charged me $500 and laughed all the way to the bank.
This week has been crazy hectic but I've managed to stay on my training program. I had a not so nice run on Wednesday because I was running into the wind for most of it. Every time I changed directions, the wind changed too. It was painful and tiring. Yes, I'll take some cheese with my wine. Yesterday I was suppose to have a 30 minute easy walk but got caught up practicing my speech while I was out and about in the neighborhood and sped along for a good 45 minutes. It's amazing how many people are home at 2:30 in the afternoon. Oh and I really, really want a dog. My parents would probably kill me if I got one because they would, at some point, likely have to take care of it when I left town for an internship, and I'm not so sure they would appreciate that. I just really want a dog to take walking/running with me. Maybe I could just borrow random dogs. I'll just start knocking on doors and see what happens...or not.
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