I can only hope that someday down the road, the greedy nut jobs that came up with the new color scheme for the Camel cigarettes realize just how much of a disservice they have done for society. Nothing says sleek and sexy like cigarettes marketed like the latest perfume. No.9? As in love potion number 9? Smooth advertisement. I'm sure the execs bought this one hook, line, and sinker. It brings back the days of Joe Camel and Camel Cash - explicitly marketing towards the younger generation. I could think of a handful of people who would kill to get their hands on these cigs just because the box would match the latest Razor phone. The sad part is that none of them are 18. I'm sure it will only be a couple months before the box is decked out in yellow or orange and has the stylish name of Deuce or Ace for the younger male crowd. The kicker - it's illegal advertising. The lawsuits have already begun but it's comparable to trying to put out a wild fire simply by spitting on it. Although to Camel, I'm sure it makes no difference whether the campaign sticks around or not because the 1,000s of new smokers they will gain just in the campaign's inevitably short life will far outweigh any legal costs.
Every 6.5 seconds, someone in the world dies of a smoking related disease - in the U.S. that means 340 people a day. 1/3 of all youth smokers will eventually die of a tobacco related illness. As long their customers keep dying, companies have to keep recruiting. Big tobacco spends $36 MILLION per day on advertisements. Sadly, the pink camel is but a drop in the bucket.
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