While the working six days a week thing is getting old, I have managed to think of one upside to being stuck inside the office for 10 hours every Sunday. Working keeps me safely inside my climate controlled office - ok, freezing office - for a majority of the day. By the time I finally get home, it's a much better temperature for running. I had a great run this evening which is encouraging following my craptastic run yesterday. My pants are looser! And I'm not nearly as stiff and sore by day's end as I usually am. Progress! I love it! I finally broke 10 miles for the week. I came in at 11.3 miles!
Netflix rocks! Have I said that before?

The first movie of the weekend was kind of a disappointment. I'd heard such wonderful things about
Memoirs of a Geisha that I probably had my expectations too high. It was good, just not excellent. In all of my Japanese studies it never seemed that there was ever anything close to resembling a fairy tale ending for any geisha. Entertainers yes, prostitutes no - that's what all the Ivory Tower types say. For once Hollywood probably tells the more realistic side with men bidding on a geisha's virginity. It's an odd happy ending in that geisha gets her man kind of way - kind of like
Pretty Woman but with an eastern Asia, mid-20th century twist. It may be one of those movies that would be better upon second viewing. Only one worm thumb up.

I know I've already professed my geekiness once before in this blog with admitting my love for N'Sync and thus, Justin Timberlake, but in a totally unbiased opinion, JT can act! Ok, so maybe it's not entirely unbiased. It's hard to be unbiased when someone is
that hot! Drugs, f-bombs, cigarettes, tattoos, guns, and one 15 year old kid that gets popped - perfect combination! Seriously, I had a glimmer of hope that Frankie (JT) would pull through in the end and save the kid from being riddled with bullets, but then the movie wouldn't be based on a true story, and we can't have that now can we? I actually felt sorry for Frankie. Me, sorry for a criminal?? Hmm, again, JT can act. And he's hot. All tattooed up and everything. Grrr. Two worm thumbs up!
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