I just said no to Furbies. I refused to participate in Beanie Baby mania. I even managed to avoid the Tickle Me Elmo. I'm not so sure however that I'll be able to avoid the iPhone craze. I was playing around on the Apple site (bad, Worm) and I've decided that I need an iPhone. Yes mom, just like a need another hole in my head! When I read about the plan through my carrier Cingular, er, I mean AT&T (talk about a company with an identity crisis!) I didn't realize it came with the unlimited data thing. Spiff! If only the phone itself didn't have that $499 price tag. I figure by the time my phone is up for renewal, the price will have dropped a tad and I'll get some type of discount for renewing, again. Just imagine - I could blog from anywhere, anytime. What's that?? You're willing to donate to the cause! Perfect! Simply address all checks to Worm, One Door Shy Of the Nuthouse, Colorado!
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