Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My boys are back!

Yes, my boys. Hanson. The pinnacle of my fangirl geekiness is my hidden fascination with these boys. Successfully putting their "mmmBop" days behind them, they are releasing their fourth album The Walk on July 24th. That makes me happy. I can proudly admit that I wasn't a fan during the long-haired "mmmBop" days but discovered them when they hit their rock like stage a few albums later. I think the last CD that I actually purchased was their last one.

I'm enjoying their Underneath Live DVD at the moment - great stuff. It seems I'm much more comfortable airing my oddities these days and I can guarantee that if they ever come within the state lines again for a show, I'm SO there. I'm seriously debating whether or not to buy the shirt from their website that says, "Hanson - Freshly Squeezed Rock 'N' Roll." I love me some cheese!

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