Sunday morning I took on The Biggest Loser: Cardio Max DVD and now, 24 hours later, am still feeling the burn. I selected the easiest selection on the DVD too! Most of the workout consisted of lunge type maneuvers so my thighs and hamstrings are killing me! If I keep this up, I will, like Bob says, be able to bounce a quarter off my ass! It's hard not to want to scream at him on the screen, bouncing around, being all cheerful and encouraging. Damn you, Bob Harper and your lunges!
In non-painful news... the healthy eating has been going well. I've been eating lots of fruits, veggies, yogurt, and lean meat. Saturday night I went to Chucky Cheese with the family and didn't partake in the greasy pizza. It was salad bar for me, including spinach with salad! Go me! Last night I baked some chicken and made extra for today's lunch!
Also, I started my LHOTP adventure. I'm almost finished with Little House in the Big Woods. I'm enjoying it so far. I love how each of Pa's stories has a moral to it, more or less. I will say this, I don't remember all of the drawings from the first time I read this series. Garth Williams rocks!
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