I'm not sure why my mother challenged me. Maybe she was disappointed in my school system or irritated that I hadn't used my Christmas present, but one summer she came to me with a challenge. If I could read my entire box set of Little House on the Prairie books, she would buy me a TV for my room. I was 12 or 13 and probably too obsessed with television for my own good. I accepted the challenge and slowly began my adventure with Laura and all the others. It took all summer, but on the last day of freedom, sunshine, and swimming pools, I spent almost the entire day finishing up the last book of the series. I got my TV and continued my television obsession. (As exciting as it was, that it came with the remote was the coolest part! It didn't take much to excite us in the early 1990s!)
Fast forward fifteen years...I'm cleaning out my garage and find one of many boxes from my childhood. Deep in the bottom is my neatly packaged and cared for Little House on the Prairie box set. After a nice flashback to that summer of reading, I tucked the box safely back in storage and continued on my way. I'm no longer as television obsessed, and after completing graduate school am shocked to find that I still have a passion for reading. So a couple of weeks ago I found myself perusing some bestseller lists a few days ago and thinking "What should I read next?"
Well, my mother would be proud of me. I'm going to dig that box set out of my garage and take that journey to the West one more time! I vaguely remember bits and pieces of the books but not many so it should be a fun and enjoyable experience. Do you care to join me? I'll be starting this evening, Book One - Little House on the Prairie. After each, I'll post a review!
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