Sunday, January 20, 2008

A sight less ordinary.

So I'm driving out to my parent's house and I'm on this two lane road surrounded by some cows and what not. And as I reach the bottom of this hill, what do I see? A sight very similar to the one on this movie poster...minus the creepy clouds. Oh, and the person was a woman not some creepy guy in a butcher suit. But there she was walking down the side of the road with a HUGE chainsaw in her hand. And while I felt sorry for her for lugging the thing down the road, I wasn't about to pull over and give her a lift. That's how people end up on the front page of newspapers. Anywho, I didn't return home that same way to see if any unsuspecting victim gave her a ride but I'm guessing probably not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, I'm glad you didn't stop... how freaky a sight is that?!?