Now, I'm a JFK assassination conspiracy geek. I own the Warren Commission Report, I've read the autopsy (the photographs=nasty stuff), I've seen the Zapruder film like a million times, and I've read enough books about the subject that I could write my own screenplay. I'd been putting off watching the movie because I figured it would never live up to my expectations. Turns out that I was right. It didn't come close. I was especially annoyed at the diatribe about extra protection being called off and the Secret Service being understaffed that day as if to make them appear like their hands were clean in the whole subject. Maybe the information about the agents in the trailer car getting smashed and partying until 4am on Nov. 23rd wasn't available in 1991 when the movie was made, but I really doubt that. Had they not been hungover, maybe they could have spotted a rifle propped out a window or up on the grassy knoll. Or maybe they would have been sharper in the mind to notice the motorcycle cops were trailing behind rather than beside the President, leaving him to become a sitting duck. Or maybe... I'll stop now before I ramble even more. The movie could have been better, MUCH better. I'll just leave it at that.
The cookies were good though. I'm sure I'll be cursing them this evening on my run.
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