The rolling hills were a nice change of pace. The drivers speeding by at 45mph or so were a tad worrying, especially when I ran out of sidewalk and had to hop onto the asphalt. For about a quarter mile I felt like I had been displaced to the East coast. Along the shoreline there was a little sailboat and some little ivy league style crew boats lined up. It made me think of Boston. I'd like to go back to Boston some day. And eat Boston Creme Pie while in Boston. It just seems like it would be superior there than anywhere else.
I could see the lake during most of the run so I knew that I'd at least stayed to the right as planned. I noticed a traffic light through trees and thought, "That's not right." I glanced behind me, as I often do, just to make sure no creepy Home Alone vans are following me and noticed a runner and his golden retriever hot on my tail. The din of the dog tags got closer. I was surely going to be passed, but they went left and I went right and that's when I began to think that something had gone wrong. My thoughts..."Landings??? You've got be kidding me? I'm so not where I should be." I was about a mile past where I thought I was going to come out. FUN! So I head east thinking that I'll just keep running until it hurts and then I'll walk.
I kept plugging along. I was in the groove. I wasn't breathing hard and my .mp3 player and various other random thoughts, like Boston Creme Pie, kept me running. I made it all the way to where I began without stopping for a single walk break!! 32:36 minutes. Woohoo! It had to have been at least 3 miles, I thought. According to the stupid Google thing, it was 2.7 miles, which, once again, confirms my turtle tendencies! So me running the Boston Marathon - at least any time soon - may be a bit of a stretch. I guess I can take comfort in knowing that I can tackle a Boston Creme Pie any day of the week!

1 comment:
Ha! You remind me of Forrest Gump-"So I just kept on running". :)
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