Sunday, March 28, 2010

An uneventful afternoon on patrol...

This will probably be the one and only time that a blog from a patrol car - reason being...I'm riding along with another officer today. I'm responsible for nothing in particular today. I'm just here to observe and help out when I can. It's been an uneventful day of driving around and looking for parking violations. It's a beautiful day in town. I wish I could be outside...running. I want to be running - without the painful pains of getting back into running. I'm not really looking forward to those pains - where all of the little nerves start to tingle and make my legs itch, the stiffness that makes walking and bending the next day a bigger task than it should be.

Anywho, ready for next weekend. Scrapbook fun with my UW girls. I've already got tons of paper, stickers, and photos ready! Hopefully I can get Radio Man and My's second year scrapbook done!

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