Sunday, May 6, 2007

Wanted: One Hot Flyboy

I don't understand why every good history story has to have some pathetic Hollywood love story attached to it in order for it to be made into a movie. It's not that I don't like seeing James Franco playing the romantic lead, it's just disappointing that directors won't let the history part simply stand on its own.

Oh, and I've decided that James Franco is my new obsession. I'm going to ignore the tragedy that was Tristan and Isolde and just remember him as the good little man in uniform that he plays in Annapolis, The Great Raid and now, Flyboys. He kind of reminds me of Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Hmmm, let's compare....

Close enough for me. I know I've seen a picture of JTT that is almost exactly like the James Franco picture but alas, I don't know want to waste too much time on this because really, I'd run away with either of them!

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